The ongoing decrease in sea-ice extent and the transformation of the tundra have substantial implications for marine and terrestrial ecosystems, including the release of stored contaminants from the past. Pathways of contaminants to the Arctic are being altered and local food web structure is changing. These changes have implications for the distribution, fate and effects of contaminants, with consequences for the health of marine and terrestrial species, including those relied upon as important country foods. Concern about microplastics, litter and other emerging contaminants in the environment has been raised at a global (CBD, UNEP, etc.), regional (Arctic Council, EU, Nordic Council) and local (e.g., NWMB, CaPSA, etc.) level. Co-development of research programs and community-based monitoring are becoming essential components for research in the north. Establishment of such programs enables access to the best available knowledge, providing a union of academic and Indigenous sciences. Community based monitoring and research contribute to Indigenous leadership and increases capacity, as they seek to protect and manage their land and coastal waters.
Bonnie M. Hamilton, University of Toronto
Jennifer Provencher, Sarah Kalhok-Bourque, Tanya Brown, Liz Pijogge