Nom de session
MAR17-Sea ice properties and processes in a changing Arctic
Date et heure
mardi 7 décembre 2021, 15:00 - 16:15

Arctic sea ice is in a state of decline, with the Arctic projected to be seasonally ice-free by the middle of this century. Negative trends in sea ice extent, thickness and duration, coupled with the transition from a multiyear ice cover to an increasingly seasonal ice pack are driving negative feedbacks and accelerating changes in Arctic systems. Changes to the ice pack have cascading effects on the whole marine system, such as altering biogeochemical processes, affecting the livelihoods of Inuit, and impacting the maritime industry that operates in Arctic waters. Hence it is critical to understand the properties and processes of sea ice, and improve ways of observing and modeling sea ice and the snow that may reside upon it. We propose a broad, session that covers the physical properties and processes of snow covered sea ice, across spatial and temporal scales. Studies based on local knowledge, in situ observations, remote sensing and or modeling of sea ice and snow are invited to take part in this session.


David Babb, Madison Harasyn, Ryan Galley

Type de session