Nom de session
CON32-Contaminants in a Changing Arctic: Emerging Concerns and Legacy Issues
Date et heure
mercredi 8 décembre 2021, 13:30 - 14:45

Since the early 1990's, research and monitoring efforts have worked to identify, quantify, and assess the impacts of mercury, persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and other chemicals of emerging Arctic concern (CEACs) in the Northern environment, wildlife and Indigenous Peoples. Many POPs are decreasing over time in the Arctic, however trends of CEACs and mercury are far less consistent and are increasing in some species/locations. Climate change, a growing population, and development in the North have presented new challenges for contaminants research, including the introduction of novel CEACs (including plastic-associated organic contaminants), local sources of contaminants, and new sources of old contaminants. This session will bring together presentations that highlight emerging issues such as climate change impacts on contaminant levels and trends and research into new CEACs, but also invites presentations on "legacy" contaminant issues in the North and how they are evolving over time.


Adam Morris, Lisa Loseto, Selma Al-Soweydawi

Type de session