Nom de session
KEP45-Implementing the National Inuit Strategy on Research
Date et heure
mercredi 8 décembre 2021, 13:30 - 14:45

In March 2018, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) released the National Inuit Strategy on Research (NISR). The NISR envisions research that empowers Inuit to meet the needs and priorities of our families and communities. We see achieving self-determination in research as the means for ensuring that research governance bodies, policies, and practices are consistent with this vision. The NISR Implementation Plan, released in August 2018, provides a roadmap to accomplish this. These pivotal documents outline the coordinated actions required to improve the way Inuit Nunangat research is governed, resourced, conducted, and shared. Further, they define Inuit expectations for the role of research in our regions and communities, and identify areas for participation and action between Inuit and the research community. This session will bring together a diversity of voices to articulate Inuit-specific experiences, interests, and emerging processes related to Inuit Nunangat research and research policy.


Karen Kelley, Anita Kora

Type de session