Nom de session
TER51-Arctic Wildlife research
Date et heure
jeudi 9 décembre 2021, 15:00 - 16:15

Arctic is facing unprecedent transformations with many implications for wildlife. It is crucial to document changes occurring in northern environments and especially in animal abundance and distribution, using advanced technologies (Biologging, Artificial intelligence, Mobile apps, advanced modeling etc.) and by promoting community-based biodiversity monitoring. Understanding the complexity of arctic food webs in changing environments also requires investigating interconnections between ecosystems and species interactions. This session will highlight research related to Arctic wildlife that encompasses both applied and fundamental research. We welcome presentations from any discipline in advancing our holistic understanding of the impacts of global change on Arctic wildlife. We hope to bring together diverse voices and individuals, including Arctic community members, researchers from all career stages and managers, to reflect on lessons learned and future directions.


Andréanne Beardsell, Pierre Legagneux

Type de session