Nom de session
KEP35-Dwelling differently: new practices for culturally sustainable environments for Northern communities.
Date et heure
vendredi 10 décembre 2021, 11:00 - 12:15

This session invites various disciplines to meet with Inuit traditional knowledge and resourcefulness to reflect on a crucial challenge for the development and wellbeing of Nordic populations: culturally appropriate, safe, affordable and resilient living environments. It is widely recognized that actual environments built without communities’ participation do not meet their aspirations. There is a pressing need to shift from the current development paradigm (based on economic agenda) to a sustainable process (based on social agenda and design quality) to address local aspirations better. In this context, presentations will address the following questions: 1) what are the best opportunities for Northern communities to develop culturally adapted living environments, and 2) what are the most useful actions and tools to allow for such developments, greater community engagement and decision-making. New and emerging practices, as well as "utopian" reflections, are welcome.

Town Hall

Myriam Blais, Samuel Boudreault, Mona Belleau

Type de session