Ce prix reconnaît les Inuits qui déploient des efforts considérables pour s'impliquer de manière significative dans la recherche dans l'Arctique. Les partenaires inuits reconnaîtront un récipiendaire qui a fait preuve d'excellence dans le domaine de la recherche sur l'Arctique. Date limite : 8 octobre 2021.
Nominations are open to researchers and community members who have made contributions to research and mentorship in the North. Deadline: October 22, 2021.
STUDENT DAY COMMUNITY PITCHES This year the ASA is running a new video contest! We invite students across the ArcticNet network to submit a 120 second video to pitch their positionality and research goals to a panel of judges. These judges will include northerners, HTO board members and IRAs. Sign up for more information. All videos will be available leading up to Student Day. Prizes included!
ASM2021 Gamification Throughout the ASM2021 participants are invited to participate in challenges across the conference platform to collect points. A fun way to engage with the platform, other participants and the conference content, these can include a range of tasks like tweeting about your favourite moment, reaching out to speakers, or joining interactive discussion groups! Gamification winners who collect the most points will receive a gift basket from Tlicho (Northwest Territories) and Inuuvunga Designs (Nunavik).